ISB Online

Certificates and Badges

Certificates & Badges

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Programme Certificate

The Programme Certificate is the highest achievement awarded to an ISB Online learner. You receive a Programme Certificate on completing all courses in a learning track with 75% points. The learning journey for each learning track has been curated to help you get a logical understanding of all the critical components in the subject area.

This credential signifies completion of learning in one subject area. You can share this Certificate as an achievement as part of your professional summary and social profiles.

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Course Certificates

Course certificates are awarded upon completing a course within a learning track. Each learning track has been curated to include courses that will help you understand the subject area holistically. You will receive a course certificate once you complete all modules in a course.

While the coursework is self-paced, you will have a deadline to complete all the modules. Once you complete all course modules, including the social learning activities, the next course in the track will be unlocked for you.

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Digital Badges

A digital badge marks the completion of a specific module within a course. This micro-credential signifies knowledge of a particular skill. These are awarded on the timely completion of all activities in a module. Your score is calculated based on the points you earn while attempting the module questions, quizzes, and social learning activities.

You can complete most module activities at your own pace within the overall module deadline. The only exception is the social learning activity, which involves peer engagement. These activities will have a specific time slot and must be completed within that deadline. 

Indian School of Business
Hyderabad | Mohali
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